“だけど wow wow~明日の予定もわからない,无限大な梦のあとの何もない世の中じゃ,そうさ爱しい想いも负けそうになるけど,stayしがちなイメージだらけの頼りない翼でも,きっと飞べるさ on my love……”
after a long trek, when we reached the outer edge of the drill tunnel, the three-wheeled full moon was already hanging high go a little further ahead and you&39;ll reach the entrance to the drill tunnel
so, the flying beast decided to camp here tonight, recharge, tomorrow morning action
now we are holding a grand &34;bonfire party&34;, cactus beast playing her famous acoustic guitar, strange frog beast playing the trumpet on his neck, the snowman beast on the side is launched to the sky snowball, snowball reached a certain height on the four spread, just like snow beautiful
but lu zixuan on the side can not have that good mood, because his task deadline is ing soon! if tomorrow can not be timely to wipe out the thieves and find lu fan is very troublesome, as for digital gear, although rare but lu zixuan still rely on the relationship of the guard beast to get some, have to say that the guard beast is a good man
there are several boxes of digital gears in the food package that the tortoise left for lu zixuan! this mission is over be sure to thank him when you get back!
but lu zixuan also know more because of the sake of the father-in-law beast, the father-in-law beast respected to take care of a lot of weak digital beast, also often dao document island to see the children&39;s growth and health status, hear father-in-law beast want to eat digital gear, guard beast will be dedicated to do, but lu zixuan still thank him
&34;may tomorrow&39;s task be successfully acplished!&34; said lu zixuan hand pillow head sleep past
-- -- --
the next day, the dawn of the digimon has been up, and can not wait to fly over now and beat the thieves to the ground
&34;here you go, boss&34; lu yun came over and handed lu zixuan a piece of bread
&34;everyone has breakfast, we will start immediately, haven&39;t woken up to call each other, a moment of fighting please everyone!&34; &34;cried the insect-beast as he flew in midair
&34;oh, wake up, eat your breakfast and we&39;re going&34; a cage animal touched the sleeping bear with his hand and said
and the food family, the burger beasts, are handing out burgers, buns and sandwiches
&34;no, here you go&34; shrimp burger beast hands out a burger
&39;thank you! the draco smiled and took the hamburger
&34;nothing, the task of rescuing my brother will be more please you!&34;
as an excellent gourmet digimon, hamburg beast is naturally one of the first targets for kidnapping
&34;well, is everyone finished then let&39;s go!&34; the flying beast said to everyone
&34;boss, do you think we&39;ll succeed in getting vangor back&34; lu yun looked next to lu zixuan asked
lu zixuan touched lu yun&39;s head, &34;yes, it will be&34;
&34;yes, of course&34; after listening, lu yun also nodded
&34;here we are&34; the wizard beast looked at the hill not far ahead &34;that hole is the entrance to the drill tunnel&34;
&34;the drill tunnel is connected to the interior of the lookout mountain, which is a tunnel directly connecting the confused forest and the cogwheel savanna named after the construction excavation of the drill mole, it was still in operation when it arrived and was impassable, but with the passage of time it is now fully open to traffic&34;
&34;but the interior is more of a hot zone where lava flows into a cave than a tunnel each place has a name: drill mole dwelling, underground lake, karst cave, lion ancestor cave
next to a team of bogao beast science, although the bat effectiveness is weak, but the bogao beast knowledge is profound, known as the &34;encyclopedia of the digital world&34;! so no matter where they go, they are very popular, and very successful people find a team to accept them
&34;in addition to these caves, there are many other caves that were actually left by the drillbit molesters when they dug tunnels, near the lava caves deep underground!&34;
the bogao beast, who was reading the book of a hundred dawn, lifted his glasses to close the book and put the book away
everyone heard the introduction of the bogao beast had a certain understanding of the drill tunnel, and the flying insect beast came forward to the crowd and added: &34;everyone, don&39;t crowd when you go in a while, one by one, maintain order, and please try to be careful when fighting, in case the cave collapses, everyone is not happy&34; all right, let&39;s go inside!&34;
&34;one at a time, please don&39;t be crowded&34; the flying beast leads the way, while the warrior beast stays behind to organize order and prevent crowding and stampedes
&34;let&39;s go in too!&34; lu zixuan turned back to his teammates and said
the more we go below, the more we can realize that the temperature is slowly getting higher, after a continuous journey, we came to the deep underground, the first can not stand is the snowman beast, the temperature here is not suitable for him, but he can only stay in the upper layer of the tunnel to prevent the escape of the thieves
not long after walking again, the flying insect beast found the thieves&39; group of sentry - spider beast, under the collective fire of everyone, spider beast has not had time to release a skill on the soul home however, the sharp-eyed wizard beast still saw a dark brown digital beast hidden in the dark part of the cave, secretly running deep into the cave, should be to inform
lu zixuan will be the discovery of the wizard beast told the flying beast, so the flying beast ordered all to speed up to the front, really can not stand to stay waiting for the fish to escape the , in order to catch them all!
finally, led by the flying insectoid, the group came to this cave, which was large enough to acmodate 200 digimon who reminded them like the dragon and the temperature here is pletely different from the previous tunnel, the temperature is quite good, it is a paradise pared to the hot hell outside, and i don&39;t know how these guys found this magical place
&34;flying beast, this is the second time we&39;ve seen each other since that day&34; a huge dragon-type digital beast appeared in front of the miscellaneous big guy, his two hands are also the heads of two dragons, the appearance is very scary, it looks like a big bad guy, big devil
&34;ah, the day that the three-headed dragoons took advantage of my brothers and my brothers, you attacked us two, and the beast is still wounded, and this time i have e to eradicate your band of thieves, not only for the sake of the people, but also for my brother&39;s revenge!&34; &34;the insectoid flew forward some distance and came to the path of the three dragons
&34;well, are you so sure you can beat me ha ha ha!&34; the three-headed dragon raised his head to the sky and laughed
&34;then try it! moon shooter -- moon shooter&34; dozens of wind blades flew from the wings of the insectotherium, striking the three-headed draco
the three-headed dragoons smiled and raised the skull dragon in their left hand, easily fending off the insectoid&39;s attack
so strong lu zixuan secretly, lu zixuan ask himself just flying insect beast attack if, dead also disabled, even if their own level is already a growth period s+ level, in maturity is just c+ level